I'm still not sure how, exaclty, I'm going to divide up the
country listings. Places like Argentina only have one band, which
countries like the UK have a zillion. Each country their own section,
even if it's only one band, or a thousand? Hmmm...decisions, decisions.
Anyway, here's list of the country codes. I think I will make each country its own section, but don't expect those to pop up especially soon. Eventually, I'd like to get a clickable image map of the world and the represented country in here, to give the geographically challenged a sense of direction.
Code | Country |
ARG | Argentina |
aus | Austria |
AUS | Australia |
BEL | Belgium |
BRA | Brazil |
CAN | Canada |
DEN | Denmark |
FIN | Finland |
FRA | France |
GER | Germany |
GRC | Greece |
ICE | Iceland |
IRE | Ireland |
ITA | Italy |
JAP | Japan |
NETH | Netherlands |
NEWZ | New Zealand |
NIRE | Northern Ireland |
NOR | Norway |
PORT | Portugal |
SAF | South Africa |
SCOT | Scotland |
SPN | Spain |
SWE | Sweden |
SWITZ | Switzerland |
UK | United Kingdom |
US | United States |
US/AR | Arkanasas |
US/CA | California |
US/CO | Colorado |
US/CT | Conneticut |
US/DC | Washington, DC |
US/FL | Florida |
US/GA | Georgia |
US/IA | Iowa |
US/IL | Illinois |
US/IN | Indiana |
US/KS | Kansas |
US/KY | Kentucky |
US/LA | Louisiana |
US/MA | Massachusettes |
US/MD | Maryland |
US/ME | Maine |
US/MI | Michigan |
US/MN | Minnesota |
US/MO | Missouri |
US/MS | Mississippi |
US/NB | Nebraska |
US/NC | North Carolina |
US/NH | New Hampshire |
US/NJ | New Jersey |
US/NY | New York |
US/OH | Ohio |
US/OK | Oklahoma |
US/OR | Oregon |
US/PA | Pennsylvania |
US/TX | Texas |
US/WA | Washington |
US/WI | Wisconsin |
US/WY | Wyoming |
YUGO | Yugoslavia |