I'm still not sure how, exaclty, I'm going to divide up the country listings. Places like Argentina only have one band, which countries like the UK have a zillion. Each country their own section, even if it's only one band, or a thousand? Hmmm...decisions, decisions.

Anyway, here's list of the country codes. I think I will make each country its own section, but don't expect those to pop up especially soon. Eventually, I'd like to get a clickable image map of the world and the represented country in here, to give the geographically challenged a sense of direction.

Code Country
ARG Argentina
aus Austria
AUS Australia
BEL Belgium
BRA Brazil
CAN Canada
DEN Denmark
FIN Finland
FRA France
GER Germany
GRC Greece
ICE Iceland
IRE Ireland
ITA Italy
JAP Japan
NETH Netherlands
NEWZ New Zealand
NIRE Northern Ireland
NOR Norway
PORT Portugal
SAF South Africa
SCOT Scotland
SPN Spain
SWE Sweden
SWITZ Switzerland
UK United Kingdom
US United States
US/AR Arkanasas
US/CA California
US/CO Colorado
US/CT Conneticut
US/DC Washington, DC
US/FL Florida
US/GA Georgia
US/IA Iowa
US/IL Illinois
US/IN Indiana
US/KS Kansas
US/KY Kentucky
US/LA Louisiana
US/MA Massachusettes
US/MD Maryland
US/ME Maine
US/MI Michigan
US/MN Minnesota
US/MO Missouri
US/MS Mississippi
US/NB Nebraska
US/NC North Carolina
US/NH New Hampshire
US/NJ New Jersey
US/NY New York
US/OH Ohio
US/OK Oklahoma
US/OR Oregon
US/PA Pennsylvania
US/TX Texas
US/WA Washington
US/WI Wisconsin
US/WY Wyoming
YUGO Yugoslavia