What's New???
24 January 06
As it should be clear, I've more or less stopped working on this site. However, there are lots of other great KBD resources out there now. I'm sure you know of them. If not, check the resources page on this site for links. I actually just updated the links on that page.
8 April 01
Can you believe it's been
nearly a year since I've touched this fucking website? Given what
a headache it is to work on it, I can. I've been busy with Rocknroll
Blitzkrieg stuff and just with
work. The flood of comps has come to a trickle, with the latest
being a compilation of rare hardcore songs called, appropiately
enough, Killed By Hardcore. Oh, well I guess the Hyped
2 Death CD comps have been coming out pretty steady. Most
are really good--cheap and FILLED with rare bits. If you wanna
know what's been coming out, what tracks are on what comps, cruise
over to Killed
By Hype.
14 June 00
The Bay Area is breaking
all their high temperature records this week. Today, it hit 103
degrees in S.F. Fuck. At least it's not humid like the Midwest.
Like every other website done as a hobby, I'm quickly falling
very behind, beginning each New Update with "I'm sorry I'm
behind..." Lame, but true. The comps are only somewhat beginning
to slow down. Instead reissues are coming out more and more frequently.
It's really hard to keep up. Most of the new comps coming out
are of marginal quality. If you put on some of the originals,
any of the first four Killed By Death, any of the Back to Fronts,
the new comps are just fucking blown outta the water. Not one
of the new comps stands up to the power of the older comps. But
everybody knows that, right? Then why are they still coming out?
Who is still buying them (suckers like me, that's who)? I only
got up a few new comps tonight. Let's see: Killed
By 7" #10, Killed By Dentistry,
and I realized that for some reason, I never put up Teenage Treats
6 and 7,
so they're up now. Speaking of Teenage Treats, the last three
in the series (8-10) are out now and are supposedly limited to
100 copies each. Get 'em while you can!
Another heads up, 15 bootleg reissues recently surfaced of some
rare singles from all over the world. From the covers and labels,
it's nearly impossible to tell the difference. The matrixes are
completely different than the originals, but otherwise...who ever
did them, did a good job. They're limited to 300 copies each out
the news section at Search
And Destroy. I'm going to start posting my MRR columns on
the Blank Generation
website. These will go up about a month or so before it hits the
newsstand, so you can get the early scoop on new records that
are out. It's hot, I'm tired. Good night.
15 May 00
Fuck. Three months later
and I'm finally back. It's Sunday night. I've been busy trying
to update this while watching the Simpsons and X Files with my
girlfriend, Mimi. I've fallen behind, in both buying comps and
putting them up. Tonight though, I finally got up Killed By 7"
#8 and #9, Pure Brit Pop for Raw People #2 and Killed By Death
#1234. I'm playing catch up on getting the comps updated, then
will continue the slow work on getting the band and country pages
6 February 00
I know it's been a while.
I have done a teeny bit more on the D pages, but not much really.
I've spent more time overhauling one of my other websites, ACTION!
photozine. Plus, I've been busy getting my record
label moving along.
Lots of comps and reissues are coming out in the next month or
so (KBD #1234, #007, #33, England Belongs to Me #4, Bloodstains
Across the World #2) and I'm taking off. For the next 5 weeks,
I'll be on tour with a band from Florida called Discount.
So, don't expect anything new to happen here for about 6 weeks.
To keep yourself busy and to get the latest lowdown on the compilations
of rare and obscure punk, go to Killed
By Hype.
26 December 99
What better way to spend the day
after Christmas than working this website-turned monster? The
preacher in the church across the street has his whole congregation
jumping, shouting, singing, screaming and sweating. He's so loud,
it sounds as if he's preaching to me. Maybe it's a sign. Anyway,
the C band pages are finished and I'm
into the D pages. It's all coming up
very slowly. I also have the country pages started. The only ones
done so far are Argentina and
Brazil, and that's because they
both only have one band. I put up secret photos of Raxola. See
if you can find them!
11 December 99
Busy, as usual. The "B" band pages are finished,
and I put the the listing for Bloodstains
Across the World as well. It's a pretty good comp, more noteworthy
for its far-reaching and all encompassing selection of bands (first
Chinese band on a comp!). I still haven't put up Teenage Treats
6 and 7, nor the 7" comp, Still Hate Your Neighbors.
I had planned on opening a record store in New York City, but
since those plans have fallen through, I'm not trying to get rid
of the 200+ records I had begun to stockpile. I'll be posting
a list of records for sale/trade soon. There are a lot of comps
and reissues, as well as a few rare things and some new records
as well.
Other things you may or may not care about...I'm going to try
to get some of the photobooth pictures I've collected for my photobooth
book project up on the web. I've scanned a bunch and am still
trying to figure out the best way to put them online. I'm working
on getting a zine of them put together as well. The first 7"
on my new label will be out fairly soon. It's by a band from Sweden
called the Upskirts and should be out in early January. I'm really
fucking excited, to say the least.
What's wrong with me? Why do I have the overwhelming urge to put
together a comphrensive discography of punk and new wave records
through the mid-'80s? Am I fucking nuts?
The original members of the Zero Boys are playing a show on New
Years Eve in Indianapolis, Indiana, their hometown and mine. I
bought a plane ticket and am going to be at the show. Here's a
flyer for your enjoyment. It's been said
they've promised to play mostly stuff from their 7" and the
Vicious Circle LP. I can't wait! Expect to see photos of the show
up on my photozine, ACTION!
20 November 99
Thanks to Justin Frohwirth,
the band pages will soon be fixed. My nemesis defeated. It's gonna
be slow going. I have to redo all the band pages. Tedious. But
thanks to the tip Justin gave me (using better tables), they'll
be easy to update, easy to put up. Thanks Justin!
Nothing else has been done to compHELLation. After going to Las
Vegas for a few days, then returning to a pile of work, I've been
non-stop busy. I did make the beginnings of a website for the
record label I'm starting, called Rocknroll
Blitzkrieg. Teenage Treats 6 and 7 still need to be put up,
as do a few other comps, including the long-awaited Bloodstains
Across the World. Until then, keep checking back for the band
page updates...then I'll finally be able to work on the Country
pages. Phew!
If any of you have an corrections, please send them my way. Also, if you think of a way this site might be more user-friendly, I'd love to hear your suggestions.
If, for whatever reason, you wanna see the really OLD NEWS, I stuck it on a different page. to buy diflucan- accutane prices- domperidone buy online- strattera buy