A series compiled by Peter Parzinger (who later also compiled theBreak the Rulesseries), released by Incognito Records out of Germany. These records are some of the best in the world of rare punk reissues!
Side One
Cigarettes-They're Back Again, Here They Come Features-Floozie of the Neighborhood Fresh Color-The Source Scrotum Poles-Radio Tay Incredible Kidda Band-Everybody Knows Subverts-Radio Nation Chainsaw-Kill in the Blanks Problem-Ja Vill Inte Ha Sudden Fun-Sudden Fun Defnics-Hello From Berlin |
Side Two
Spelling Mistakes-Hate Me Hate Me Briard-Fuck the Army Newtown Neurotics-Hypocrite F.U.2-F.U.2 Goteborg Sound-Pappas Pojkar Non Compis Mentis-Ultimate Orgasm Checkmate-Only Fools Pretend to Be Happy Thought Criminals-Hilton Bomber Demics-Talk's Cheap Groove-Heart Complaint |